Facing up to digital challenges:

Explore our tailor-made training programmes, designed to enhance your teams’ skills and promote sustainable, secure growth. Invest in your company’s future by developing the unique potential of each employee.

On the strength of its experience in higher education in France and abroad, École Hexagone has decided to open its programmes to continuing education in Kazaksthan.

With Hexagone Executive, enhance your skills with experts from the professional world. Whether you’re already in a job or looking to retrain, broaden your knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills to achieve your goals and develop your career.

Our essential training courses

  • Awareness and best security practices

    Strengthen the security of your data and your business by adopting best practices in cyber security.

    5 days
    999 999

  • EBIOS Risk Manager

    Learn about the method for assessing and dealing with digital risks published by the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) with the support of the EBIOS Club.

    3 days
    999 999

  • Auditor ISO 27001-2013

    Strengthen your information security expertise with our ISO 27001 training course. Get the essential skills to audit any company’s information security management system or its suppliers effectively.

    5 days
    999 999

  • Forensic analysis

    Deepen your expertise in IT security by developing your skills in digital forensics.

    3 days
    999 999

Our services

At the heart of our commitment to your professional success, we offer a diverse range of training modalities, tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for a collaborative experience within a diverse group, deep immersion within your own team, or entirely bespoke training to meet specific challenges, we have the solution.

Explore our different learning approaches and choose the one that best suits your career path and the growth of your organisation.


Turnkey training, all year round.

The opportunity to learn from a diverse group of professionals with similar goals. Benefit from a stimulating dynamic where the varied experiences of participants enrich the learning process, fostering a unique sharing of knowledge and perspectives.


Tailored to meet the needs of your organisation.

Immerse yourself in an experience designed specifically for your team. Our in-company training courses offer more than just education: they are tailored to the unique culture and challenges of your organisation. Build a deep connection between your team members while acquiring essential skills, creating a significant impact on your company’s collective performance.


Offer your staff unique training courses.

Do you have highly specific requirements that call for the creation of tailor-made training for your employees? Hexagone Executive has the solution with its design studio inspired by French luxury houses. Manon ANSELME, our Director of Programmes, will work hard to understand your needs and implement a unique solution specially designed for you.

They trust us