EBIOS Risk Manager

3 days
21 hours

Learn about the method for assessing and dealing with digital risks published by the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) with the support of the EBIOS Club.

Target audience

This course is aimed at CISOs, CIOs, company directors and managers, and all professionals involved in information system security.


Be sensitive to cyber issues and risks and familiar with the concepts and vocabulary of IT security.


  • Understand the dynamics of cyberattacks
  • Master the fundamental principles
  • Conduct and carry out a risk management study using the EBIOS Risk Manager method in an intelligible manner
  • Analyse and communicate the results of a study

Evaluation methods

AFNOR certification.


At the end of the course, trainees will be invited to take a skills test. If they pass, they will be awarded the “EBIOS Risk Manager” certification, issued by Hexagone Executive.


  1. The threat today
    • Status
    • Trends
    • Attacker profiles, motives and modes of action
    • Vulnerabilities
    • Response
  2. Regulatory framework
    • Public policy
    • National and international regulatory framework
  3. The fundamentals of the EBIOS method
    • Workshop approach
    • Compliance and risk scenarios
    • Organisations versus attackers
    • Taking account of the ecosystem
  4. Practical workshops
    • Workshop 1: framework and security foundation
    • Workshop 2: source of risk
    • Workshop 3: strategic scenarios
    • Workshop 4: operational scenarios
    • Workshop 5: risk management
  5. AFNOR certification
    • MCQs and case study

Register to a session

999 999

Per trainee


Would you like to organise this training course in your company? Contact us for more information.