Competitive Intelligence

5 days
35 hours

Help boost your organisation’s competitiveness with Competitive Intelligence, a strategic discipline that will enable you to understand market trends, anticipate threats and opportunities, and make informed decisions to ensure your organisation prospers.

Target audience

This course is aimed at any professional in a senior management position involved in implementing corporate strategy.


There are no prerequisites, and this course is accessible to beginners.


  • Define competitive intelligence and use the tools
  • Apply a methodology for researching and gathering information on the Internet
  • Monitor and analyse market trends, anticipate threats and opportunities

Evaluation methods

Practical work.


At the end of the course, trainees will be invited to take a skills test. If they pass, they will be awarded the “Competitive Intelligence” certification, issued by Hexagone Executive.


  1. Introduction to competitive intelligence
    • Terms and history
    • Systemic upheavals
    • Tools
  2. The political, economic and social environment
    • Political environment
    • Business environment
    • Social environment
  3. The information war
    • Concepts and issues
    • Creating a relationship map
    • Information gathering
  4. Corporate crisis management
    • Methods and strategies
  5. Intelligence, anticipation and knowledge management
    • Exploring monitoring practices
    • Optimising decision-making

Register to a session

999 999

Per trainee


Would you like to organise this training course in your company? Contact us for more information.